At a cash machine in the bank you can always withdraw money from your checking account. You need your ATM Banking Card and your PIN. The PIN is the secret number for your savings account. You can use your savings card also at cash machines from other banks Withdraw money from your savings account.
This will cost you a fee.
How to use a ATM cash machine
1. Insert your ATM Banking Card into the card slot.
You will find the card slot to the right of the screen of the money vending machine. Pay attention to the display on the screen.
2. Enter your PIN with the key field with one hand.
Attention: If you have mistyped, come back with the yellow button correction. If you press the red button Cancel, stop the process. Your savings card then comes out of the card slot.
3. Press the green button Confirm.
4. Choose a cash amount from the list, which appears on the screen.
With some cash machines you have to pay the money with the key field. Press the green button Confirm.
5. Take out your ATM Banking Card.
Your savings card comes automatically from the card slot.
6. Take your money.
Your money comes automatically from the subject for the money issue.
Attention: If you have forgot your ATM Card or forgot your money, the money machine recovers both after a short time!
How do you use an account statement printer?
At the bank statement printers in the bank You can get an account statement at any time for your checking account.
To use the account statement printers:
1. Insert your ATM Banking Card into the card slot.
You will find the card slot on the right side the Account Statement Printer. Your account statement will be printed automatically.
2. Take out your ATM Banking Card.
Your savings card comes automatically from the card slot. Then take out your account statement
That’s it your done!